Student Broadcasting Team Live Streaming Diagram

This used to be on my wall when I was in Bering Strait School District as the Distance Learning Facilitator. This was the Student Broadcasting Team event streaming model that we developed back in 2007 and was the one that I used the entire time that I was in BSSD. I still refer back to it today as one of the best models for live broadcasting in rural Alaska. Two things that are missing from the diagram are the DataVideo mixer and the Skype Chat. When we used the DataVideo hardware it went between the “Video Mixer” computer and the Tandberg and was used to connect additional cameras. We also almost always had a Public Skype Chat going for every event. Students moderated the chat. Skype discontinued Public Chats a few years ago, unfortunately. Live event streaming with this setup allowed for a lot of flexibility, lots of camera angles (especially when we added the DataVideo mixer for an additional four video cameras), commentator/interview mics, simultaneous VTC and internet str...