Are you kidding or are you kidding...?

My cloned Honda has been sitting quietly in a dusty Unalakleet hanger for over a week now, awaiting its final delivery leg. I have been persistent but also patient, calling the freight company no more than three times a day. Last week I was told that it would be here Friday. No dice, I was told that they didn't have enough cargo to warrant a delivery. Then I was told Monday, until I accidentally told the guy that it was a holiday. Next I was told Tuesday, but the plane never flew in from Nome. Yesterday the guy was excited to tell me that it would "almost certainly come in on Wednesday." Well, I'm sitting here and it's Wednesday, and my Honda is still on the other side of the Unalakleet River. Apparently the one plane that they use for large deliveries in this area is broken. Yes, that's right, the plane itself is now broken. I was given no other details, but the guy was happy to promise that my Honda would be in tomorrow. I told him that I would continue to not hold my breath.

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