Roughing it in Unalakleet
If you didn't already know, Heidi and I have moved from Stebbins toUnalakleet. We are still in the Bering Strait School District, and justabout 70 miles up the coast from Stebbins. Practically neighbors.
Heidiand I miss Stebbins a lot, but are really enjoying life here inUnalakleet. There have been lots of opportunities to go fishing, berrypicking, and exploring. For some reason there are a lot more roadsaround Unalakleet, which makes it easier to get around right now. Lateron, when it snows, it won't matter because we'll have a snowmachine.Right now though, we are enjoying the beautiful sunshine.
Above: Heidi catching her first salmon of the season.
Above: A picture of Unalakleet from a nearby mountain.
Below: Heidi's class picking berries during the first week of school. They picked berries and then made jam to take home to their families.
Below: Heidi's class picking berries during the first week of school. They picked berries and then made jam to take home to their families.
Above: Heidi and I have been babysitting a friend's dog. His name is Aipaq, which means "friend."
Below: Unalakleet silhouetted against a sunset. I took this pic returning from a fishing trip.
Below: Unalakleet silhouetted against a sunset. I took this pic returning from a fishing trip.