Hank & Mike Visit Unalakleet

Heidi and I were happy to host some more family this week. Heidi's dad Mike and grandpa Henry came up with the serious goal of trout fishing. All the river ice is gone now and most of the snow is melted; school is out so I guess we can officially say summer is here. We all leave tomorrow for Anchorage, and we have had a wonderful time these last few days.

Here I am baking some fresh trout and grayling for an afternoon snack. Henry thought I was a pretty good guide.
Henry, Mike, and Heidi all pulled in trout at the same time several times today. This happened quite a bit actually. The trout were really biting today.

Along with boating on the river, we also had a chance to ride with our friends Jeff and Talon Erickson out on the ocean on a seal hunt. We have had some absolutely gorgeous weather, and on this trip we saw lots of seals, but didn't get any. It would have been Talon's first seal, sorry Talon better luck next time.

We also had the opportunity to see the results of a successful hunt. A family that we know down the street worked together to process the meat.

Here are some more pictures for earlier in the week.

It really looks like something interesting is happening in this last picture, just not sure what.